Friday, January 27, 2012

ClubPenguinSupers giveaway!

Hey guys its me 779cooler43 and yes im safej16 :P. i have decided to do the givaway on February 2nd because and i will not release the code for you all to copy & paste thats just plan lazy. lol so what im going to do is take a picture of the code and have you all type it. pretty cool right but you're have to be super fast, and we are still voting until February 1st so remember to vote, incase you FORGOT to vote you can vote right here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
remember to follow me on twitter for infor on the giveaway, you can click here  to follow me,
Good luck to all of you and you better enjoy your unlock items to xD.
the picture of the code will be released on the below.
code will be releashed at 5:00 PST


i gived it away on twitter.

remember to take a picture if you won and comment below this post or @ me on twitter :P


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Club Penguin Wallpaper.

Club Penguin has uploaded a new wall paper check it out :P

cool huh? well cya guys later xD

Club Penguin Times issue #327

hey guys well the new newspapper is here, you know what that means? that means its time to be an old man or girl for once and read the newspapper :p lol just kidding. anyways in this times issue it talks about the party,

and it also talks about the fashion show thats coming on Feb 2nd witch Cadence might be coming :P

and here are the upcoming events plus rookie going crazy cuz the island is going underwater lol.

here are the upcoming events just incase you can't see the image.

Starting on Feb.2 Penguin Style catalog, Outstanding outfits-just in time for the fashion show!
Starting on Feb.2 Fashion Show, The gift shop is set for its first ever fashion show.
Starting on Fe.9 The stage, Don't miss the surprise sequel coming soon to the stage!

well thats it for now. cya on the Field Opp and the party :P

Club penguin New Community Pole

hey guys i was waiting for the new club penguin updates until i heard that the community pole has been updated, so i checked for my self and yes its true take a look :P

so what's your favorite place to explor? make sure to comment :P

Friday, January 20, 2012

ClubPenguinSupers giveaway!

hey guys im 779cooler43 or as my friends know me safej16 :P. im happy to tell you guys that we will be having a give away. awesome right?? i know right, oh yeah its gonna be awesome :P, well as most of you know on twitter that i said i will have a give away when i have 6 RT's and lucky for you guys that happen. i am getting $40 next month witch should be Feb. 1 from my grandma for me report cards, i will give away a random code witch you will have to vote. you can vote on the right side of this post. ------------------------------------------>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
just follow that arrow so you can vote. i will have the giveaway on Feb 2nd or Feb 3rd, and also follow me on twitter for the updates on the give away by Clicking here well see ya on the give away :P the code will be releashed below.

CODE: ______________

Take a picture if you won :P

Thursday, January 12, 2012

New Guess

Hey guys i been thnking. maybe this blog should be only glitches and things i find. and party eventsand other cool stuff. like new free new codes. does that sound cool? are you guys ok with that?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

NEW clujb penguin login screen and Home Page

hey guys i was going on club penguinwhen i notice that they updated there login screen and Home page check it out.

heres the home page

my camer is sucking today and my computer to everything is running slow right now i can't check the results D: stupid computer well cya guys later like tomorrow -_-

Exclusive: new mascot coming in the Puffle Party

as SOME of you know there is gonna be a new mascot coming next month. during the puffle party... it might be PH. (puffle handler) and it was kina found out during the What's New Blog-What's New in January 2012

give credit to IModernpengi and :D

Exclusive: Penguin Style January 2012

club penguin has recently uploaded a video of the new Penguin Style for January 2012. take a look.

i was able to take pictures of the upcoming item's just incase the video on top doesnt work. here are the upcoming items.



cool items to but wait....... Theres more :O the image below are neck items that were never released.....

and its weird that Happy77 can get to 311 stamps and we can only get to 306.

Happy77 until stamp

Our until stamp

could there be more stamps releasing at this party? but... wait theres MORE :D. when Happy77 comes out of the gift shop. there's a sign on the bottem left.

the town looks slightly tilted to the left..... or right.... i have no idea. you take a look xD

Town on the underwater party

Town right now.

but wait theres MORE :O lol just kidding thats all.. phew that was a lot of work man.. lol. so what do you think? and what do you think of the upcoming item's? let me know in the comment's :D

What's New Blog- whats new in january 2012

when i was reading the What's new blog on club penguin. it says upcoming events and little pictures of sneak peeks. take a look

cool huh? hmm i wonder what the picture on the left is suppose to mean..... oh well ;D lol well ill keep you posted. cya

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Club Penguin Upcoming Party's Schedule 2012

as i heard some penguins found a schedule of club penguin upcomming party's 2012. i don't really know if this is true. but these might or are the upcoming partys.

January: underwater party

February: Rockhopper's Quest

March: Puffle Party, at this party
PH (puffle handler) might be a mascot

April: April Fools Party. Rookie will be visiting around the island

May: card-jitsu snow will be released

June: Music Party Jam

July: Nothing planed yet.

Augest: EPF Mission, herbert might or might not come out of 


September: Fall Fair

October: Halloween party 2012. gray will be visiting. of crouse

November:nothing planed yet. ( i think)

December: holiday party, Christmas party.

well these are or might be the party's of 2012. i think in july club penguin will have fireworks and Medieval party well i think.
and rockhopper's quest is new can't wait for that. can't wait for may and augest wootwoot. :D and i think in November i think there might be a new party called. Thanksgiving party.

well thats what i think. what about you? what do you think of the Schedule party for 2012? and what do you think is comming for july and November? 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Exclusive: Club Penguin 3 Month Membership

hey penguins. i heard that there was a new membership card around. and i took a look to see and it was. take a look

awesome. i think this is a good idea to start earning money again and bring back the old classic 3 month membership card. hopefully they will do the same thing on their Membership Page what do you think?

Sunday, January 1, 2012

In Today's Post....

in today's post i was playing sled race with 4 other penguins. and i fell flat on my face. take a look xD

lmafo....  but i came in 2nd place woot woot. well today's post isnt really a post. once or two times a week i will post random funny stuff of me for example the image of me on top is an example of me doing random stuff. come on laugh you know that image up there of me is funny xD LOL. well cya guys xD

Club Penguin Coins For Change Results

hey guys i looks on club penguin blog and they posted a what's new video. its about where the coins go. and how many we donated

pretty sweet huh? thanks to all the penguins on club penguin. we changed a lot of lives :)