Thursday, December 29, 2011

Im back!

Hey penguins im back and imma start posting about club penguin. and i know some of you know me from pandanda ( safej16 ) but im done with pandanda. pandanda just got to old for me and boring club penguin is kina new to me and i like it more than i ever did with pandanda. i joined pandanda when it was new i became a beta and then bad things happen. and i rejoined and it just bring back bad memories club penguin makes me feel good and so on & so fourth. so yeah ill be posting about club penguin now. by the way rememebr when those 2 new pins came out? remember who found them?, i did i wanted to post about it but didn't really have time. but i will have time to post everything well not from the past xD well ill see you guys laterz on my next post. if you want to talk to me im always on twitter. you can follow me on twitter by Clicking Here well cya guys laterz :D


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